sastra bagiku duniaku, dan ilmu adalah mata keduaku. Jika aku kehilangan salah satu dari itu aku tiada. tak pernah diperhitungkan sebagai manusia beradab.Tak pernah dianggap ada karena semangat, percaya diri itu adalah motivasi keduaku setelah keberadaan Tuhanku. dan sesudah nasehat motivator sejatiku


Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Anak

Angka kematian bayi di Indonesia saat ini 34 bayi per 1.000 kelahiran. Meski telah turun sejak tahun 1990, angka itu masih tergolong tinggi dan jauh dari pencapaian target pembangunan milenium 2015. Apa saja penyebab utama kematian anak di Indonesia?

Radang paru akut
Pada tahun 2003, di seluruh dunia terdapat 10,8 juta anak meninggal akibat penyakit pernapasan. Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) adalah penyebab kematian 37 persen bayi baru lahir di Indonesia.

Kematian anak akibat radang paru akut amat terkait dengan masalah kemiskinan yang memengaruhi tingkat gizi dan ketidakmampuan untuk mengakses fasilitas kesehatan. Dengan pembekalan informasi yang benar tentang penyakit ini pada petugas kesehatan dan pemenuhan gizi yang cukup, angka kematian akibat penyakit ini bisa ditekan hingga 42 persen.

Unicef dan WHO memperkirakan 2,5 miliar kasus diare terjadi pada anak balita setiap tahun. Di Indonesia, diare menjadi penyebab utama kematian bayi usia 1-12 bulan (42 persen) dan anak-anak hingga usia 4 tahun (25 persen). Bayi yang tidak mendapatkan ASI dinyatakan enam kali lipat lebih berisiko kehilangan nyawa akibat diare di usia dua bulan pertama.

Kondisi kesehatan dan gizi, serta sanitasi yang memadai memegang peranan penting untuk mencegah diare. Imunisasi perlu dilakukan pada anak guna melawan cacar, rotavirus (penyebab flu usus), serta infeksi usus lain yang dapat menimbulkan diare akut.

Komplikasi bayi baru lahir
Empat juta bayi mengalami komplikasi saat baru lahir dan ironisnya mereka kemudian kehilangan nyawa dalam empat minggu pertama. Di Indonesia 37 persen anak balita mengalami komplikasi pada saat lahir.

Tidak dapat disangkal, tenaga dan fasilitas kesehatan yang memadai ditunjang dengan kebersihan lingkungan amat diperlukan calon ibu untuk menjaga kesehatannya agar mampu menurunkan risiko berbahaya bagi dirinya dan sang bayi.

Penyebab lain

Penyebab lainnya adalah penyakit yang sebenarnya dapat dicegah melalui vaksinasi seperti campak dan TBC. Sementara itu, 50-60 persen kematian bayi dan anak balita terkait dengan masalah kekurangan gizi.
Read More : Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Anak

Rotavirus, Diarrhea Causes Weight

In contrast to diarrhea caused by bacteria, diarrhea caused by rotavirus likely will cause severe dehydration and vomiting more often that culminate in the death total.

In Indonesia, rotavirus is the leading cause of diarrhea, which is about 60 percent. While the cause of bacteria and require antibiotics at most only about 20 percent.

Generally different from diarrhea, rotavirus infection usually starts from clinical symptoms such as fever for days and severe vomiting constantly which was soon followed by diarrhea in the form of water without the pulp.

Although able to attack anyone, rotavirus is a major cause digestive tract infections of children, especially infants-newborns that body's defense system is still fragile. Diarrhea alone were categorized as acute as the average lasted for 3-9 days. While vomiting is also three times more than the vomit faeces caused by bacteria.

What also must be aware of diarrhea caused by rotavirus is the duration of diarrhea that can last for 3-9 days. Severe loss of fluids through vomiting and without pulp CHAPTER course very draining body fluids drastically. As a result, the child can become dehydrated during that time period so that no time was saved.

A small percentage of rotavirus cases will recover by itself if the patient endurance spelled out very well. They are, among others, the baby is getting enough milk during the first six months.

Unfortunately, the condition of most patients in fact developed a severe, partly because the provision of ORS often can not replace the fluid that comes out. If this is the only solution that is suggested as soon as possible to bring the child to the hospital.

What can be done in an attempt to reduce the risk of transmission of infection is to avoid exposure of their infants and children suffering from acute gastroenteritis in the family environment or other public places are not clean.

Always make it a habit to wash hands with soap before handling children. The most powerful preventive measures recommended are administration of the vaccine which was his choice as has already been applied in many countries. Unfortunately, Indonesia does not include this vaccine in the list of immunizations for infants or children
Read More : Rotavirus, Diarrhea Causes Weight

Smoking in Front of Children is the Violence!

Often times we encounter smokers blowing smoke regardless of other people or even his own family members at home.

Children and pregnant women often become victims of adverse effects of cigarette smoke. No wonder when the protection of children and pregnant women against exposure to tobacco smoke to get special attention.

In the UK, health experts assess the parents who smoke near children, both at home and in cars, can be categorized into violence or child abuse. Professor Steve Field, Chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners, called on parents to take greater responsibility to the health of children, even before planning a pregnancy begins.

Related mortality rate mothers who smoke during pregnancy and evidence of research in the United States shows, more children die from bad habits parental smoking than by accident.

Royal College have called for smoking bans for riders who take their children. However, the proposal was rejected as contrary to civil liberties.

Field, in his article in the Sunday newspaper, said, everyone must take greater responsibility for their own health and their children. This attitude was also adopted by the government, but not many regulations governing the subject.

UK Health Department refused to extend the implementation of smoking bans in parks, pubs, entrances, and cars. Public Health Minister Anne Milton said the smoking ban legislation has been running well and almost all offices and public places smoke-free
Read More : Smoking in Front of Children is the Violence!

Signs You're Addiction

Smokers or drinkers of alcohol may not necessarily be included in the category of addiction (addiction). There are several criteria to include them as a group of addiction.

Addiction is a state of addiction. There will always depend on the drug and can not be controlled. There are seven criteria for someone to say addiction. Called addiction when it meets at least three criteria

criteria for a person experiencing addiction include tolerance, withdrawal syndrome, a substance that is often used too much or too long than it should, the time that many used to use substances, social activities or work reduced due to substance use, and ongoing substance use
constant despite knowing the problems caused

Withdrawal syndrome is the signs and symptoms that occur when patients who experience physical dependence drug use / addictive substances stopped suddenly.

Can symptoms such as irritability, cold sweat, difficulty concentrating, or restless. Depending on what used addictive substances

addiction leads to dependence, and will always strive to use these addictive substances. The reason people want to use addictive substances (substances that can cause addiction, like nicotine, marijuana) are feeling happy, fly, or confident.

Someone said addiction should be seen on seven criteria, the new can be said to addiction or addiction
Read More : Signs You're Addiction

Akrab dengan Ayah Bikin Anak Tahan Stres

Cara seorang pria menghadapi stres rutin, seperti kemacetan dan tengat pekerjaan, ternyata bergantung pada pola hubungannya dengan sang ayah di masa kanak-kanak. Ini merupakan salah satu hasil penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam pertemuan American Psychological Association.

Beberapa waktu lalu, sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu yang kurang menunjukkan kasih sayang berpengaruh besar pada kestabilan emosi seorang anak. Sementara itu, hanya sedikit studi yang terkait dengan hubungan antara ayah dan anak laki-lakinya.

Hubungan ayah dan anak laki-lakinya memiliki pengaruh yang luar biasa dalam hidup seseorang. Bila hubungan itu sehat, pengaruhnya akan sangat positif pada si anak,

Dalam risetnya, Mallers dan timnya melakukan survei terhadap 912 pria dan wanita berusia 25-74 tahun mengenai kadar stres mereka selama 8 hari terakhir. Para responden juga ditanya mengenai hubungan mereka dengan orangtuanya pada masa kecil.

Mayoritas responden menjawab bahwa mereka memiliki hubungan yang lebih manis dengan ibu mereka ketimbang dengan ayah. Kebanyakan anak laki-laki mengaku mereka lebih dekat dengan ibunya dibandingkan dengan anak perempuan.

Ibu memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat dalam kestabilan emosi seorang anak, baik pada pria maupun wanita. Anak yang punya hubungan buruk dengan ibunya cenderung memiliki emosi yang negatif pada masa dewasa,

Namun, bagaimana dengan pihak ayah? Tim peneliti menemukan bahwa pria yang memiliki hubungan kurang hangat dengan ayahnya cenderung lebih sulit dalam menghadapi stres sehari-hari. Mereka juga relatif lebih mudah tertekan, mudah marah, dan gampang sakit akibat stres yang mereka hadapi
Read More : Akrab dengan Ayah Bikin Anak Tahan Stres

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